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Chartered Radiation Protection Professional

For those who have extensive knowledge and responsible professional experience in the field of radiation protection.

Those professionals who hold the title CRadP will be able to demonstrate:

  • Attainment of a relevant Masters degree or equivalent
  • Application of extensive knowledge across a range of radiation protection areas, with background knowledge in related areas
  • Evidence of developing solutions to radiation protection challenges using new or existing technology or systems
  • Responsible experience as a leader of radiation protection services or operations
  • Highly effective communication and interpersonal skills
  • Commitment to professional values and continuous professional development in self and others

Successful applicants are entitled to use the Post Nominals CRadP.

You must demonstrate that you meet the Criteria for CRadP

AApplication of Radiation Protection Knowledge and Understanding
A1 Use radiation protection, scientific, and technical principles to exploit and/or develop technologies to enhance or improve current practices and to meet legal compliance
A2 Enhance the radiation protection knowledge of others, (e.g. co-workers, members of the public, in education) through the design or delivery of radiation protection training and education programmes, or the publication of scientific papers or guidance documents
BAnalysis and solution of radiation protection challenges
B1 Apply an innovative approach to problem solving, exercising judgement in the absence of complete information
B2 Identify potential projects, problems and opportunities requiring solution
B3 Monitor implementation of radiation protection solutions and evaluate effectiveness
CPersonal Responsibility
C1 Exercise responsibility for self and/or others whilst recognising your own limits
C2 Lead teams or projects and make effective use of all resources available (such as people, time, finance, radiation protection knowledge and experience)
C3 Leading or developing safe working practices
C4 Observe and promote organisational safety culture
DInterpersonal Skills
D1 Communicate effectively, both orally and by written word, with specialist and non-specialist audiences
D2 Develop the capabilities of others to meet the demands of changing technical and managerial requirements
D3 Take responsibility for continuous improvement through quality management
D4 Demonstrate effective leadership or technical expertise
EProfessional Practice
E1 Comply with all relevant Codes of Conduct
E2 Undertake a self-motivated programme of continuous professional development
E3 Demonstrate technical and managerial integrity in all professional matters