How does becoming a Licensee benefit us?
The Radiation Protection Council licenses Professional Bodies to admit their members to its Registers of radiation protection professionals. Becoming a Licensee will
- Enable your members to gain professional recognition in the field of radiation protection, thus demonstrating their expertise and professional behaviour
- Provide an additional benefit to members that may encourage people to join
- Ensures your organisation plays an increased role in setting and maintaining standards of radiation protection through a representative on RPC
How does it work?
- Applications should be made to RPC to become a Licensee
- Licensees must demonstrate how they will assess applicants against the Standards
- Licensees must demonstrate how they will audit CPD of applicants
- Licensees must have a Code of Conduct for registrants and demonstrate procedures for investigating any breach of this
- Templates for application forms, guidance, code of conduct and CPD scheme are available if required
- Licensee fees and number of seats on RPC will be linked to the number of registrants
RPC requirements for Licensees – The full document can be downloaded here.
RPC Licensee admission procedure form – The full document can be downloaded here.
RPC Registration – Certification Process Flow – The full document can be downloaded here.